Living Well Insights for health & well-being

Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Medicine News

Total Ankle Arthroplasty

Ankles may soon become the next popular “bionic joint" thanks to advances in technology.…

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Orange Almond Granola
Healthy Eating

Orange Almond Granola

We love granola. This healthy recipe features orange and maple flavors, and it's great for breakfast or a snack.…

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How Exercise Helps Local Star Maintain Focus
Fitness Profile

How Exercise Helps Local Star Maintain Focus

With such a high profile, fast-paced and demanding career, Victoria Snee has needed something extra to help her maintain energy and focus at work. For nearly two decades, that "something" has been healthy living through diet, exercise, and good sleep.…

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New Treatment for Big Toe Arthritis
Medicine News

New Treatment for Big Toe Arthritis

Most people associate osteoarthritis (OA) with pain in the hands, hips and knees, but big toe arthritis is a common form of OA that results in tenderness and achiness when cartilage at the base of the big toe begins to degrade, typically at age 35 or later.…

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Finding Relief and Release from Trigger Finger
Medicine News, Dr. Miskovsky, Orthopedics

Finding Relief and Release from Trigger Finger

We rely on our fingers to work normally for all kinds of everyday tasks, but those simple tasks can become painful and even impossible when patients develop trigger finger.…

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Research Leads Back Pain Patient to Life-Changing Surgery
Patient Journey

Research Leads Back Pain Patient to Life-Changing Surgery

As a former recipient of spine fusion, Bridget Toews was well aware that another fusion could further limit her neck mobility and decided to live with the pain as long as possible until she found out about ADR.…

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Snap, Crackle, Pop, Ouch! Are Your Joints Trying to Tell You Something?
Medicine News, Dr. Hohman, Joint replacement

Snap, Crackle, Pop, Ouch! Are Your Joints Trying to Tell You Something?

Popping backs, knees that crack when you stand up, wrists that snap when you rotate them— we’ve all had experience with talking joints. But what are they trying to say, and should you be concerned?…

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Joint Replacement: When Medicine and Physical Therapy Aren’t Enough
Medicine News, Dr. Hohman, Joint replacement

Joint Replacement: When Medicine and Physical Therapy Aren’t Enough

Millions of Americans experience varying degrees of joint pain due to arthritis or injury, but if you’re one of them, it doesn’t mean you have to sit out life on the sidelines.…

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'Take a Hike!' For Your Well Being
Medicine News, Dr. Hohman

'Take a Hike!' For Your Well Being

Did you know that hiking can burn 400-700 calories per hour and is easier on the joints than running? Here's how to get started safely.…

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Alleviating Joint Pain with Braces
Medicine News, Dr. Hohman

Alleviating Joint Pain with Braces

If taking a break from regular activities isn’t cutting it but you’re not quite ready for physical therapy or injections, an orthopedic brace might just be the ticket.…

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