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Posts in Neck Pain

6 Common Causes of Neck and Lower Back Pain
Back Pain, Neck Pain, Spine Surgery, Disc Replacement

6 Common Causes of Neck and Lower Back Pain

Back and neck pain are common issue that can be caused by multiple different factors. In this blog we highlight some of the more common causes and discuss what you can do if you've been experiencing chronic back or neck pain.…

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Decades of Excellence in Disc Replacement
Dr. Jack Zigler, Disc Replacement, Back Pain, Spine Surgery, Neck Pain

Decades of Excellence in Disc Replacement

At the Center for Disc Replacement, part of THCDS, we've been pioneering artificial disc replacement for over two decades. Discover how our expertise and patient-centric approach make us a top choice for those seeking disc replacement.…

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Exploring Your Options: Is Artificial Disc Replacement Right for You?
Dr. Richard Guyer, Disc Replacement, Spine Surgery, Back Pain, Neck Pain

Exploring Your Options: Is Artificial Disc Replacement Right for You?

Discover why this innovative approach is becoming the new standard for spine surgery.…

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Types of Pain Injections
Back Pain, Neck Pain

Types of Pain Injections

Struggling with back pain? Injections may offer relief. Persistent pain can limit your ability to enjoy life. Injections for spinal conditions—such as sciatica, herniated disc or arthritis—can offer lasting relief for many patients.…

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Spinal Fusion vs Disc Replacement Surgery
Spine Surgery, Disc Replacement, Back Pain, Neck Pain

Spinal Fusion vs Disc Replacement Surgery

If you’re considering surgery for back pain or degenerative disc disease, likely you’ve heard of two key treatment options: artificial disc replacement and spinal fusion surgery. Which may lead you to ask: Which is better, disc replacement or spinal fusion?…

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How successful is disc replacement surgery?
Disc Replacement, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Spine Surgery

How successful is disc replacement surgery?

When considering artificial disc replacement surgery, patients have lots of questions. Read through this blog and learn more about disc replacement surgery and if if could be right for you!…

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Why You Need to Consider Endoscopic Spine Surgery for Your Sciatica
Spine Surgery, Back Pain, Neck Pain

Why You Need to Consider Endoscopic Spine Surgery for Your Sciatica

Surgical techniques for treating sciatica are constantly evolving and advancing. The state-of-the-art in spine care is endoscopic spine surgery (ESS), an ultra-minimally invasive procedure for treating pinched nerves in the spine. Here's what you need to know about endoscopic spine surgery as an option for relieving sciatica.…

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What is Spinal Stenosis?
Back Pain, Neck Pain, Spine Surgery, Dr. Jessica Shellock

What is Spinal Stenosis?

Dr. Jessica Shellock, a spine surgeon on the medical staff at Texas Health Center for Diagnostics and Surgery, talks about the common spine condition, spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis can be treated in a variety of ways including physical therapy, medication, and surgical intervention like artificial disc replacement, endoscopic spine surgery or spinal fusion.…

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What is Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery?
Disc Replacement, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Dr. Richard Guyer

What is Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery?

Orthopedic spine surgeon and Co-Director of the Center for Disc Replacement at Texas Health Center for Diagnostics and Surgery, Dr. Richard Guyer is very familiar with disc replacement surgery. In this blog and video he shares all about what disc replacement surgery is, who is an ideal candidate and how to find a reputable disc replacement surgeon.…

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Treatment Options for Spinal Conditions
Neck Pain, Back Pain, Spine Surgery, Dr. Rey Bosita

Treatment Options for Spinal Conditions

Dr. Rey Bosita, a spine surgeon on the medical staff at Texas Health Center for Diagnostics and Surgery, talks about treating spine conditions starting with conservative care, physical therapy, injections and surgery.…

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